Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thank you, Sarah Davis!

I first have to thank Sarah Davis for sending me an amazing new website!

It's amazing! I have now found a YUMMY way to eat my oatmeal. It's called Avena. I will include the recipe incase others want to try it out. I have had this drink for breakfast for the past two days and I love it. Most likely you will already have the ingredients in your pantry"


-1/2 cup of oats
-2 cups water
-1 cup fat free milk (or I used Almond milk)
-1 cup ice
-3 tbsp sugar
-2 tsp ground cinammonn

Cook oats and water in a small pot for about a minute or two, stirring often until it becomes thick and bubbly. Remove from heat and let it cool a few minutes.

In a blender add milk, sugar, cinammon. Add oats and ice. Blend on high until very smooth. Chill in refrigerator or pour in a glass over ice. Enjoy!! Makes 4 cups. (1 cup per serving)

I also made the whole wheat pasta with brocoli from this site yesterday, yum! Anyways, I am looking forward to trying out more recipes from this site.

As I type this I am soooooo glad that I already went for my run because the news is on and the heat today is going to be OUT OF CONTROL! It's not even 9:30am and it's already 96 degrees in Annapolis! This morning I completed Week 2 Day 2 and it's wasn't too bad. I need to find a way to increase my pace though. I am thinking that the more that I run my pace will increase, but I will have to try and push myself more.

Good (unrelated) news!!! My dentist appointment went pretty well considering I haven't been in over 3 years. Only two small cavities to fill and I was even able to schedule my appointments for that before the school year starts so that I don't have to take off work!

Nick and I are leaving for the beach tomorrow for the weekend!!! YAY! So I will still bring my running things to do a run on saturday morning and possible Monday morning depending on what time we leave to come home. I am VERY MUCH looking forward to relaxing at the beach with Nick and Caitie and getting tan! More later! :)

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